Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bomba, Boma, a New Type of Warrior...

A New Book:  IMMORTAL COMBAT portrays President Barack Obama's real fitness as Commander-in-Chief of the Greatest Military the World Has Ever Known...

Bruce Thomas, retired Special Forces analyst of the Naval Intelligence College, who spent most of his duties in the Far Eastern Asian Theater, has written the definitive book on Barack Obama's special qualifications for his coveted job as the World's Greatest Military Commander. In this latest book by Thomas, who has also written How to Run a Successful Circus, Bombay on a Biscuit a Day, and Japan without Japs, and Chinks for Gooks Only, and his seminal book on naval encounters, You Are Sunk When the Petty Officer Finds You Onboard Stinking Drunk, chronicles here in IMMORTAL COMBAT Obama's secret CIA training in Indonesia as a foreign student from Hawaii. Obama was trained in Yubiwaza (the deadly Japanese art of alley fighting), poker from the secret tricks of Richard Nixon as a Naval officer, and black coffee drinking for all-night bridge sessions. And of course, a telephone was within reach at all times to make bets to the bookie on the outcome of the English Army Wars.  With these kinds of training done in top secret, plus a Harvard Law School education, no wonder Barack Obama is shoulders above even the tallest pro basketball player. And so Hu Jintao (Who is that?), Watch out! O Bambi Obama's got your number! He will give you a call and invite you to a cross-dressing party one of these days! And if you politely refuse, he won't take No for an answer, he will send the USS Aircraft Carrier George Washington to Beijing to fetch you to the Ugly Bug Ball....

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